Acupuncture Facts

What is acupuncture?

Acupuncture is among the oldest healing practices in the world as a part of traditional Chinese Medicine. It has been practiced in China for centuries. It is based on the theory that energy flows through and around your body along pathways called meridians. Acupuncture is performed by inserting very thin sterile needles into your skin at certain specific points in your body. Sometimes this is used in combination with heat or mild electrical stimulation.

How acupuncture works?

There are two different theories as to how acupuncture works. According to Chinese Medical theory, there is a vital energy (Qi) that flows through the body along pathways called meridians. The constant flow of this energy keeps the body balanced and healthy. However, if the flow of energy is blocked this can lead to illness. The Western theory is that acupuncture points are seen as places where nerve, muscles, connective tissue can be stimulated. The stimulation increases blood flow, while at the same time triggers the activity of neuro-transmitters. Western practitioners and researchers believe that acupuncture works by stimulating the Central Nervous System (brain and spinal cord) to release neuro-transmitters and hormones.

What to expect during your first visit.

Usually the first visit takes approximately one hour and a half to two hours. During the visit we will do an interview in which we will ask questions about your health issue and about your overall health. An exam will be performed and part of the diagnostic technique is to take your pulse and look at your tongue. After the assessment is done we will proceed with the treatment.

What does the treatment feel like?

Patients should not feel uncomfortable or pain to any degree. Needles are hair thin, sterile and are disposed after treatment. Some patients may feel a slight pressure, a tingle, or heaviness in the site where the needle is inserted.

Interesting facts about acupuncture.

Today’s acupuncture needles are extremely fine in diameter (approximately the thickness of 2 human hairs, pre-packaged, sterile and disposable).
Acupuncture gained attention in the US after a reporter who was traveling with President Nixon’s visit to China in 1972 experienced post-operative pain relief from acupuncture after undergoing an emergency appendectomy.
Acupuncture was originally used as preventive medical procedure to keep people well.
Acupuncture has been endorsed by World Health Organization, National Institute of Health, and many medical faculties.

Who endorses acupuncture?
World Health Organization (WHO), whose authority concerning health-related matters, has compiled a list of diseases, symptoms, traumas, and conditions that have definitely been proven as effectively treated by acupuncture.

National Institute of Health (NIH), National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine.

NIH endorses some uses of acupuncture. The NIH panel recommends acupuncture for low back pain, headache, asthma, and certain conditions including post-operative dental pain and chemotherapy – induced nausea.